Is your friend/loved-one involved in an abusive relationship?
Are You??
“33% of teens in America are victim to sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional dating abuse.”
“Roughly 1.5 million HS students in the U.S. admit to being intentionally hit or physically harmed in the last year by someone they are romantically involved with.”
(Sources: DoSomething.Org, CDC, Love is Respect)
Her name was Susan. A Senior in High School, she was one week from graduation, two weeks from her eighteenth birthday, and three weeks from living “Happily Ever After”, as the wife of her childhood sweetheart. Sometimes things do not turn out the way we’ve planned. Sometimes they can go horribly wrong.
In her JUST KEEP DANCING PRESENTATION, Susan quotes select excerpts from her award winning autobiography, “Just Keep Dancing”, focuses on abusive relationships, dating violence and the cycle of abuse in which many feel they're caught. Susan then speaks of the options available to anyone who has a family member/friend that is experiencing an abusive relationship and most importantly that there is always hope, and that “It truly is never too late to live happily ever after.”
For speaking engagement information click:
Or call: 708/361-8017