“What is your greatest fear?” Since the 70’s several prominent surveys have asked thousands of Americans just that, and over 40% of them have consistently answered “the fear of public speaking.” And surprisingly, the prospect of standing in front of an audience had been considered by most of those polled to be more frightening than the prospect of their own demise!
All that I can think of when hearing these results is the waste of personal energy and avoidance of opportunity that this fear has caused for both men and women on their jobs and in their day to day lives. Unfounded fear blocks our minds from recognizing the power that exists for us when we are able to effectively communicate with others.
What is effective communication? And what are the qualities that make an effective communicator? The rare presentations that are remembered and have made a difference in our lives are those that demonstrate the presenter’s personal confidence, passion, and ability to bring the observer into the experience. An effective presentation can be a very powerful tool. It can inspire the acceptance of change and new ideas in others. When speaking to a group one has the unique possibility of making personal contact with the audience. It is a golden opportunity to touch the people who have come to listen to the message, and to open a small space in their minds to receive the message that the presenter would like to convey.
It is true that not all presentations are meant to be the fulcrum on which one can balance decisions about life changes. More common are presentations that are given on the job to a customer, your boss, or your peers. The subject can be informational, instructional, or a sales pitch. Oral reviews of monthly accomplishments, instructional lectures on processes in the workplace, or convincing arguments as to the use of one product over another, can be requirements of many day to day work related responsibilities. Community involvement outside of the workplace can also call for the ability to stand in front of an audience and express a point of view.
Cultivating the art of effectively presenting one’s message is a necessity for men and women who are actively pursuing a career in corporate America. For women, however, the prospect of speaking
in front of an audience seems to be a more daunting task. One of the shortcomings most often cited in corporate performance reviews of women which cause them to be rated poorly in comparison to their male counterparts, is their inability to communicate in a clear and concise manner. Therefore, for women the development of effective presentation skills is a must. Doing so, enables a woman to establish an image as a self-confidant, logical, straightforward thinker who expresses herself in a succinct way, able to explain even the most complicated technical subjects in a simple and non-technical fashion. All of these attributes are essential in order to become effective and successful in the business world.
And when the time comes to move from your present position in order to take advantage of a new opportunity, either inside the company or out, your presentation skills will help you to effectively communicate the specific set of talents and tools which you possess that make you a perfect fit for the new challenge. “I interview well” will be a statement of fact that forever fortifies you in any future endeavor.
Effective presentation skills, once acquired, carry over into all aspects of personal interactions. An individual, who practices projecting a personal image of self-assuredness and confidence, does so in every area of professional and social relationships.
There are five steps for cultivating effective presentation/communication skills. Watch for them in my upcoming weekly posts which will include tips and techniques to successfully:
• Organize data
• Prepare material
• Practice your message
• Project your personal image
• Face your Fears
Now, on to Step #1: – Organize Your Data.
Tags: business, business cards, elevator speech, empowerment, empowering women, handshake, networking, networking skills, presentation skills, self improvement, Susan Brauer, visualization, women's networking, Organize data, Prepare material, Practice your message, Project your personal image, Face your Fears | Category: Her Paradigm Shift, empowerment, self, women